We have talked about physical,  spiritual, intellectual, social, & occupational wellness so far. This week we will look at emotional wellness. I chose emotional wellness because holidays can be especially emotional at times. Dr. Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute (NWI), states that “The emotional dimension recognizes awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings.”  It includes the amount of positive feelings we have about ourselves and our life. In 2015, due to the car accident, I had to work at my emotional wellness. I was positive about still being alive, but had trouble being enthusiastic about each day in my life or my future as it was very unsure.   Many of us have days and years like that, but how do we manage to stay emotionally well during those times. What is our capacity to manage our feelings or behaviors during times that are tough.  We have to be able to realistically assess our limitations and  cope effectively with stress. That means we have to be able to assess where we are emotionally. Dr. Hettler states that “the well person maintains satisfying relationships with others…and an awareness of, and acceptance of a wide range of feelings in yourself.” This is essential to wellness.

On the wellness path, you’ll be able to express and manage feelings effectively. You will be able to make decisions based upon your critical thinking which would be a synthesis of feelings, thoughts, ideas and behaviors. Emotional wellness intersects with social wellness because while you may life and work independently, you will also understand the importance of seeking and accepting the support and help of others. This is an area I really have to work on as I have trouble seeking help from others. I view myself as the one who helps but doesn’t need help, which is never the case. I have trouble asking for help but I do work at it and recognize when I should ask for help. I went up on a ladder today and fixed my beeping smoke alarms, when I should have called for help. The ladder was not a smart choice even though I managed it without crashing down to the floor.

It is important to form interdependent relationships with others based on a mutual commitment, trust and respect. Conflict and challenges should be recognized as being a healthy part of life.  Change will happen and it actually takes more energy to resist than to accept it and work through it. Life is an exciting, positive, hopeful adventure and if you are emotionally healthy this is how you will see it. One of the little things that keeps me on track is “Notes from the Universe.”  When you sign up for them, in a magical way, they always make sense for where you are right then. They are uplifting and give a hopeful start to my day. Sometimes they give me a laugh when I realize how very true that particular note is.

According to Dr. Hettler, “Emotional wellness follows these tenets:
• It is better to be aware of and accept our feelings than to deny them.
• It is better to be optimistic in our approach to life than pessimistic.”

A few things to work on and think about.  Have realistic goals and work through them daily. This is something we have talked about before. My goals and dreams have kept me going through these difficult times. Release your anger and resentments as they are poisonous. Keep positive thoughts, that brings positive energy and good things to us. Learn to let yesterday go and enjoy today. And I always find something funny in every day as laughter is such good medicine. Remember our dimensions of wellness. Eat a healthy diet, get good exercise and enough sleep (another one I work on constantly, although I do take naps) and ask a friend for help if you feel emotionally at risk. Don’t allow words like can’t! The Huffington Post blog suggests 5 great habits for emotional health: Protect your self-esteem, Take control after a failure, Distract yourself from brooding thoughts, Find meaning after a loss, Recover self-worth after a rejection.

What are your questions about Emotional Wellness and where are you in your emotional wellness? What do you do to stay emotionally healthy? Share with me! Safe journeys until next week :).